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Global Communication Network for Herpetologists

WCH: Developing a Global Communication Network for Herpetologists


The World Congress of Herpetology (WCH) is an international organisation who’s primary goal is: “to promote international interest, collaboration and co-operation in herpetology”. To date this has been achieved by successfully hosting nine world congresses in locations around the world (Fig. 1). The 8th WCH was hosted in Hangzhou, China and completed the location of these meetings in all zoogeographic regions of the world.


In addition to providing this important role, we are now inviting herpetologists around the world to join an exciting new WCH initiative to develop a global communication network for herpetologists. The objective is to provide a global framework linking individual herpetologists, with local, national, and regional herpetological societies around the world, using an integrated email, www sites, and social media network.


The WCH Global Communication Network for Herpetologists has been initiated to provide a rapid form of communication among herpetologists around the world, linking students, professors, and professional herpetological organisations through the World Congress of Herpetology. Affiliated organisations form an important role within the WCH constitution and can facilitate opportunities to connect individual herpetologists around the globe. To promote regional participation in WCH activities, affiliated organisations are encouraged to nominate a member to represent their organization and region on the WCH International Herpetological Committee.


FIG. 1. Years and regional locations of the WCH congresses hosted between 1989 and 2012. The 9th WCH congress was held in New Zealand.

World Congress of Herpetology: International Herpetological Society

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